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Soliciting suggestions for streaming TV series

Howdy gang.

The missus and I are in the market for streaming TV shows to fill in the gaps preferably from Netflix streaming.

We loved the BBC's Sherlock and Foyle's War, but the former releases slowly and just a few eps, and the latter is ~90 min and we'll run out soon. We tried MI5, and lost interest about at the ep about the murderous pro-lifers.

"Life on Mars" has been recommended, but the short-lived US version is the only one on TV.

We've tried "Revolution" from live TV, and it was too stupidly-written for our brains to survive happily. We also tried "Touch" and, while we like Kiefer Sutherland, one can only take so much of him chasing an expressionless boy while shouting "Jake! Jake! Jaaaaaaaaake!"

We also tried NCIS, but when we found that the character DiNozzo wasn't euthanized and didn't grow in any way, and the Pauley Perrette character (unlike every non-burqa'd woman who ever lived) never changed her attire or character, we realized the writers were uncreative and lost interest.

So: any good mysteries? Sci-fi? Anything? What's good out there, and why?

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