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Married to an unbeliever

Paula Hendricks posts a thought-provoking piece from a reader on her long marriage to an unbeliever. The anonymous contributor writes well, candidly, and sympathetically.

Her epiphany (and at least the title of the "challenge" she cites) parallels one of the twin central points of the best marriage-book I've read, Emerson Eggerichs' Love and Respect. It's just one of those ironies that the very thing God commands wives to give their husbands is the thing many women find it difficult or well-night impossible to give: respect. Likewise, the very thing He calls husbands to give is what many men aren't great at giving: love.

But men long for, yearn for, and desire respect from their wives; and wives long for, yearn for, and desire love from their husbands.

The mark of a stalemated marriage is where each is waiting for the other to step up and make that move of obedience. The mark of a growing disciple of Christ is that (s)he doesn't wait for others' obedience.

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