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Funny little event... OR IS IT?

Some of my Twitter followers and Facebook friends registered jittery reactions to a little trailer I tweeted about yesterday.

WARNING: this actually is pretty creepy, no joking.

As I said, it was one of the scariest, creepiest trailers I've seen in some time. My online buds and I chuckled about it, and that was that.

Until our Men's Fellowship meeting at church this morning. Now, I need to say: I am not making this up.

I'm listening to the leader, and I hear this cre-e-e-eaking sound behind me. I look, and...

The door to the dark storage room behind me was slowly creaking open, all by itself.

Now, notice that there's a prop at the bottom of the door. That didn't stop it. The door pushed the prop aside and swung open -- just a little.

It actually did this a couple of times. I seemed to be the only one noticing it. And so I eventually chuckled, and interrupted the leader to point out what was happening.

So I said, if this were one of those movies, someone would get up to check it out...


...would never be seen again!

And we all laughed. Because after all...'s just a church storage room.

...absolutely nothing to be worried about.


Okay, I did totally make that last one up. But not the rest. It's a windy day, that's all.

Nothing to worry about.

And there will be a bunch of Awanas and Boy Scouts running around over there all day.

What could go wrong?

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