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My Logos study layout

One of my Tweeps, Jerome Brown, asked:

Happy to share, for what it's worth. I'm no Logos ninja; my friend pastor John Kane is, and he helped me make a setup that I like. Here it is (click to enlarge):

The right half of the window is for windows opened in the left.

The left half is composed of two tabs. The Exegetical guide tab is pretty much as Logos sets it up, with lexica and grammar. I added a Collections tab under which I've included various works on Hebrew poetry.

The Passage Guide is composed of commentaries, Systematic Theologies, Dictionaries, and Theological Journals.

I've also prioritized my lexica and my commentaries, so that the ones I use most are at the top of the list. Also, I've renamed many of them so that the names are more helpful, more immediately-recognizable.

As to what commentaries I use, it really depends on the book. I've prioritized TOTC, NIC and WBC (such as I have), NAC, BECNT, EGT, EBC, and some individual volumes; followed by older sets Alford's, Lange's, Pulpit, and so on.

Hope that helps.

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