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How to NOT drive an author crazy

Getting a decent book published is really hard work for most people. The concept, the hours of labor, the shopping around, the contract, the process — it's really a tremendous undertaking. And then comes the emotional roller-coaster of seeing what comes of your baby, out there in the cruel world.

So if you've got someone who's written a book you think is a decent, worthwhile book, and you have a particular line of questions. You've never been an author, so of course you don't know who authors think. But hey...I do! And, as
always, I'm here to help!

So, I suggest you proceed thus:
You: Congratulations on getting your baby published!
Author: Thanks very much, I appreciate that.
You: What editions are out?
Author: Just the hard copy.
You: Terrific. I'll buy that and read it.
Author: Thanks, I appreciate that, too!
You: Any plans for other editions?
Author: None that I know of.
You: Okay. Well, I know that if enough hard copies sell, they'll be likelier to look into other markets. So after I buy mine, who can I write to encourage them to look into Kindle/Logos/whatever?
Author: That's kind of you to ask. Let me get that for you...
There y'go. You're welcome!

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