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New, improved prophecy!

Perhaps the greatest single measure of how far well-meaning folks are willing to sell out every last cell of their brains to run cover for false teachers is this argument that now, in the glorious days of fulfillment under the New Covenant, the greater and more glorious version of the thoroughly-documented gift of prophecy has turned into a pathetic hit-and-miss irrelevancy.

Put another way:
Then: types, shadows, anticipations of Christ...and 100%-inerrrant morally-binding prophecy about the realities that move men and nations.
Now: fulfillment, reality, Christ Himself... and errant, safely-ignored, muzzy holy hunches about the most inconsequential trivia imaginable.
In even a marginally healthy church, this chimera would have disappeared under gales of derisive laughter within seconds of its invention.

But that's supposing a marginally healthy church. And there's my crucial miscalculation.

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