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The Jose State of MindThe Liebster Award 2016

Just received The Liebster Award 2016 from one of my fellow movieblogger, Paskalis Damar (Sinekdoks). I think it's fun and could have been informative for my beloved readers. So yes, why didn't I accept the challenge, answer it, and pass it on. Here we go...

Part 1: Answering Sinekdoks' questions
01. Mention your most favorite movie since 2000! 
(Sebutkan satu film favoritmu yang rilis sejak tahun 2000!)
Hmmm, I have to say... Inglourious Basterds by Quentin Tarantino. 

02. Mention your most favorite movie quote of all time!
(Sebutkan satu movie quote favoritmu sepanjang masa!)
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Tau lah yah dari film apa.
03. If The Dark Knight trilogy is included, are you at DC or Marvel?
(Kalau trilogi Dark Knight dimasukkan, kamu lebih pilih DC atau Marvel?)
Tough question. I mean from DC side, I loooooove The Dark Knight Trilogy, Tim Burton's Batman, and even Man of Steel. Other than those, nothing much interested me. From Marvel side, I looooove all X-Men installments and Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, but I don't really dig The Avengers franchise. Soooo... based on how many movies I love, I guess I have to answer Marvel.

04. What’s your most favorite movie sequel ever?
(Apa sekuel film favoritmu sepanjang masa?)
Nggak pake mikir, Empire Strikes Back. Along with all its sequels afterwards. Including the prequel trilogy.

05. If you can make a movie crossover (like The Avengers or Freddy vs. Jason), what movies would that be? And give a title.
(Kalau kamu bisa bikin film crossover kayak Batman v Superman atau Freddy vs. Jason, film-film apa yang mau kamu gabungkan? Sertakan judul crossovernya.)
Hmmm... apa yah? Austin Powers dan James Bond seru kali yah? Oh, how I miss Austin Powers' movies! Judulnya mungkin James Bond meets Austin Powers: The World is Not Behaved. Atau License to Behave.

06. If your life were a movie, who will possibly direct it?
(Kalau hidupmu adalah film, siapa yang cocok menyutradarainya?)
Gue pengen banget film tentang gue itu komedi atau musikal. So Farrelly Brothers or Baz Luhrmann will be the best choice.

07. If your life were a movie, what’s the title?
(Kalau hidupmu adalah film, apa judulnya?)
Pa'an yak? The Jose Movie aja lah. Simple. Hahaha...
08. If you could live in a movie for a week, what movie would you choose to live in?
(Kalau kamu bisa hidup dalam sebuah film selama seminggu, film apa yang kamu pilih?)
Banyak! Austin Powers, Star Wars, Kill Bill, Inglourious Basterds, Shrek. Above all, Moulin Rouge seru kali yak.
09. What does your blog’s name/title really mean?
(Apa arti nama blogmu sebenarnya?)
Nggak ada yang arti khusus sih. Just movie reviews according to Vincent Jose. That's all.
10. How would you describe your interaction with your blog’s audience? Is it like a teacher to students or what?
(Coba deskripsikan interaksimu dengan pengunjung blogmu! Apakah seperti guru dan murid atau ada yang lain?)
Penulis dan fans-nya. Hahahaha... Becanda. Ya penulis dan pembaca aja lah ya, biar kesannya nggak sombong. Lebih asyik lagi kalau bisa terlibat diskusi yang cerdas.

11. Now please describe your blog in 3 adjectives!
(Deskripsikanlah blog-mu dengan 3 kata sifat saja.)
Evolving. Objective. Divers.

Actually I have to make another 11 questions to pass to another bloggers. But for now, I still don't have enough time to make ones. So just wait until next time. I'll think about the questions to pass. See ya around and never to forget, ALWAYS SEE MOVIES AS THOSE WERE MADE AS!

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